Digital SAT Testing Checklist

BEFORE Your Official SAT Exam You Need To:

  1. Have your College Board account login (username & password).
  2. Register for the exam at an official testing center, which needs to be done through your College Board account or through your school. Learn how to register online directly with The College Board. If you are unsure, ask your school counselor as soon as possible.
  3. Download The College Board’s Bluebook testing app on the device you will be using on test day.
  4. Check that your device is an approved testing device.
  5. Take one of the Bluebook SAT practice tests to work out any issues with your device.
  6. Print your digital SAT admission ticket: 1–5 days before your test day, go into Bluebook, select your test, and complete a short exam setup. The app will generate your admission ticket, which you can print out or email to yourself.

ON TEST DAY, You Will Need:

  1. Your fully charged testing device with the Bluebook application installed.
  2. A charging cable if your testing device can’t hold a charge for 3 hours.
  3. Your up-to-date admission ticket.
  4. Acceptable photo ID.
  5. Pencils or pens for scratch work
  6. An acceptable calculator for use on the Math section of the test (there will be an embedded graphing calculator available to use within Bluebook).