Subject Tutoring

Private subject tutoring for students in grades 3 – 12.

All our tutoring services have a student-focused approach. Each tutor is trained to adjust to the learning style of each of their students who all have different skill levels and learning needs. One of the biggest struggles with improving grades is motivation and attitude, and our goal is to create a positive environment where students like to come and improve.

GPA is a crucial factor in college admissions. The average unweighted GPA of college-bound high school students is a 93. For students applying to selective schools, the average GPA is higher around 95. Our tutors can help your student improve and maintain a competitive GPA starting as early as 8th and 9th grade when scores start being recorded on high school transcripts. Tutors who work for Curvebreakers are rigorously trained according to company standards and must all pass a background check.

Includes AP & Regents Tutoring

Subject tutoring includes advanced placement and regents subjects when the student would like help with homework or tests and quizzes throughout the school-year. For those who are looking for help at the end of the year prepare for the final exam, please see Test Prep.

Get help all school-year or during the summer.

No matter a student’s goals, Curvebreakers can help support students throughout the school year in specific subject help for grades 3-12.


Tutoring for Elementary and Middle School-Level Subjects

Packages with an Associate Tutor
5 Hours: $95/hr
10 Hours: $90/hr
20 Hours: $85/hr
30 Hours: $80/hr
40 Hours: $75/hr
50 Hours: $70/hr

Tutoring for High School and Advanced-Level Subjects

Packages with an Associate Tutor
5-Hour Rate: $125/hr
10-Hour Rate: $120/hr
20-Hour Rate: $115/hr
30-Hour Rate: $110/hr
40-Hour Rate: $100/hr
50-Hour Rate: $95/hr

Packages with a Pro Tutor
5-Hour Rate: $145/hr
10-Hour Rate: $140/hr
20-Hour Rate: $135/hr
30-Hour Rate: $130/hr
40-Hour Rate: $125/hr
50-Hour Rate: $120/hr

Want to speak with someone before you get started? Call the office at (516) 728-1561 or book a consultation with the owner, Nicholas LaPoma.