ACT Math Hacks: Improve Your Score

Math can be a challenge for many students, especially when it comes to test-taking. For the ACT exam’s math section, it may seem like there are numerous formulas to memorize, concepts to learn, and computations to make. There is little margin for error and only a limited time to finish the questions, so it may feel impossible to score high …

Area of a Trapezoid: Formula & Examples

Let’s learn how to find the area of a trapezoid. What is a Trapezoid? A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with one pair of parallel sides called its bases. The height (also called altitude) of a trapezoid is perpendicular to its bases. The other two non-parallel sides are called legs. Examples of trapezoid-shaped objects are flowerpots, handbags, pails, and …

Prime Numbers: Factorization & Factor Tree

What are Prime Numbers? Prime numbers are whole numbers greater than 1 that are not a product of two other whole numbers. For example, 2 is a prime number because it can only be a product of 1 and itself 12; no other two numbers can be multiplied to make 2. The numbers 3, 5, and 7 are also prime …

Area of a Hexagon: Formula & Examples

Let’s learn how to find the area of a hexagon. What is a Hexagon? A hexagon is a six-sided flat shape whose sum of interior angles is always 720°. If the hexagon has six equal angles and sides, it’s a regular hexagon. Otherwise, it’s an irregular hexagon. Regular polygons have apothem – the perpendicular distance from the hexagon’s center to …

Midpoint Formula: Equation & Examples

Let’s learn how to find the midpoint using the midpoint formula. What is a Midpoint? A line segment’s midpoint refers to the middle point that divides it into two equal parts. Finding the midpoint between two numbers simply means finding the average of those two numbers. For instance, if you have a line with endpoints at 2 and 10, its …

Volume of a Pyramid: Formula & Examples

Let’s learn how to determine the volume of a pyramid. What is a Pyramid? A pyramid is a three-dimensional solid with a polygonal base and triangular faces that intersect at a point called the apex (or vertex). Pyramids are classified according to the shape of their base. Regular pyramids, unsurprisingly, have bases that are regular polygons. Examples are triangular pyramids …

Scientific Notation: Compressing Numbers

What is Scientific Notation? Scientific Notation is a way of compressing too large or too small numbers. Scientists usually reformat and simplify colossal and infinitesimal numbers using scientific notation. For instance, rather than writing the distance between the Earth and the moon as 386,000km, we use its scientific notation: 3.86 × 105. See much simpler conversions below: 9000 = 9 …

Standard Deviation: Variation from the Mean

What is Standard Deviation? Standard Deviation (SD) is the statistical measure of how spread out the values of a data set are from the mean or average number. In short, it measures the variation of the values from the mean.  The closer the values are to the mean, the lesser they are spread out, which also yields to a small …

Area of a Triangle: Formula & Examples

A triangle is three-sided shape with a height that’s perpendicular to its base. There are different types of triangle, such as scalene, isosceles, and equilateral. The formulas for finding the area and the perimeter of a triangle are the same for all its types. Here’s an illustration of a showing the formulas for finding the area and perimeter of a …

Perimeter of a Triangle: Formula & Examples

A triangle is three-sided shape with a height that’s perpendicular to its base. There are different types of triangle, such as scalene, isosceles, and equilateral. The formulas for finding the area and the perimeter of a triangle are the same for all its types. Here’s an illustration of a triangle and the formulas for finding its area and perimeter. Want …