Standardized Test Scores Returning to Schools

In recent years, a growing number of universities have made standardized test scores optional for admission, citing concerns about access and equity. However, a new trend is emerging as some institutions are choosing to reinstate testing requirements. Let’s explore this shift and highlight some universities that are returning to requiring standardized test scores. Why the Reversal? The decision to go …

ACT Science: How to Improve Your Score

Similar to the SAT, the ACT features math, reading, and writing. However, the ACT is the only major standardized exam in the United States that features a designated science section. If you ever decide to take the ACT, you’ll want to learn the tips and tricks in this blog to help you get as close to a 36 as possible.  …

ACT Math Hacks: Improve Your Score

Math can be a challenge for many students, especially when it comes to test-taking. For the ACT exam’s math section, it may seem like there are numerous formulas to memorize, concepts to learn, and computations to make. There is little margin for error and only a limited time to finish the questions, so it may feel impossible to score high …

ACT English Mistakes Ranked By Rate of Error

The English section of the ACT can be a hurdle for many test-takers, and rightfully so. The questions can appear to be convoluted or sometimes vague. In other subjects such as math, the answers are as simple as applying a formula. But the English section relies on quick reading and analysis. Although it may seem intimidating, this blog will go …

Should You Go Test-Optional?

More colleges than ever before are allowing incoming students to apply without submitting standardized test scores such as SAT or ACT. If you’re unsure whether to go test-optional for your dream universities, know that you’re not alone. The college admissions process can be arduous, but looking at both sides can help you decide which path is right for you. These …

How Time Management Can Improve Your Scores

One of the easiest ways to improve your standardized tests scores is to improve your time management when taking the exams. Unfortunately, managing your time is easier said than done. So many adults struggle to find a healthy balance of how they spend their time, so it’s no wonder that high school students find themselves in the same boat – …

Time Management for the ACT

Many students see the ACT as an intimidating and stressful task in their lives. With more questions on the exam than minutes to complete it, it can feel like the exam tests sheer speed over intelligence. Clocking in at nearly three hours, the ACT leaves many students feeling like exhaustion is inevitable. But the correct techniques for managing time efficiency …

Benefits of Taking Practice Tests

In the world of SAT and college preparation, practice exams are often looked at as just bitter medicine, a way to help students simulate the environment of high-pressure tests without the risk of failing. But some students often opt out of them due to the perception of it being less important. The fields of science and psychology tell us those …

ACT Exam Dates 2020-2021

About The ACT Exam Test & 2020-21 Test Dates The ACT is the leading US college admissions test that measures what you learn in high school to determine your academic readiness for college. The ACT contains multiple-choice tests in four areas: English, math, reading and science. ACT’s writing test is optional and will not affect your composite score. Test Date …

Is The SAT Black Book Good?

Is the SAT Black Book Good? Nicholas LaPoma, Esq. AKA NickTheTutor Disclaimer: Neither I nor Curvebreakers Test Prep have any affiliation with the SAT Prep Black Book: The Most Effective SAT Strategies Ever Published or Mike and Patrick Barrett. I do, however, own a test prep company, and I wanted to share my informed opinion. Right now, the most popular …