Why Was the March 2024 Digital SAT Hard?

Students who took the March Digital SAT may have been shocked by its difficulty, particularly in the math section. The exam presented challenges far beyond what most had anticipated based on their practice exams. As an experienced tutor, I’m here to offer insights into why this test was so unexpectedly tough and how we can better prepare for future exams.

Practice Test Materials

The practice tests provided by the College Board, especially the first three Blue Book tests, were way too easy. Students who relied on these tests for preparation found the actual digital SAT in March much harder. It’s essential to practice with more challenging and realistic materials to prepare effectively.

PSAT Difficulty

The PSAT, which typically sets the tone for the SAT, was unusually easy compared to the digital SAT in March. This misled many students into thinking the SAT would be similarly easy, leading to unexpected difficulties.


Many students were less prepared than ever before for this SAT, as it was the first time for the digital format. Additionally, there were fewer practice tests available, leaving students underprepared for the actual exam’s difficulty.

Digital SAT Strategy Course

Bonus Factors:

  • Desmos Calculator: Many students didn’t realize the importance of using the Desmos calculator, a powerful tool for the math section. Learning how to use Desmos effectively can significantly improve your math score.
  • Hard Module: Getting to the hard module is crucial for a higher score. Students need to master module one to ensure they reach the harder questions, even if they struggle with them.
  • Technical Issues: Some students faced issues during the exam, such as missing parentheses or technological glitches, which affected their performance.

The main reasons for the difficulty of the digital SAT in March were the lack of challenging practice materials, the misleadingly easy PSAT, and students’ overall lack of preparedness. However, with proper preparation, including using realistic practice materials, mastering the Desmos calculator, and understanding the exam’s format, students can improve their scores and succeed on the digital SAT.

There are plenty of resources available, including YouTube videos and prep courses, to help you prepare effectively. Don’t underestimate the importance of practice and strategy, and you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the digital SAT. Good luck!

If you have any questions, feel free to Schedule a free consultation.