College Supplemental Essay Tips

A supplemental essay is an additional essay that some colleges and universities require as part of the application process, alongside the main personal statement or essay. They are specific to each school and are designed to give applicants the opportunity to showcase their unique qualities, interests, and fit for the institution. These essays are crucial parts of your college application, so let’s explore some top tips and strategies to help you write it.

The Why Us Supplemental Essay

The supplemental essay is a chance to show why you’re a perfect fit for a particular school. Avoid generic statements about campus aesthetics or location. Instead, research the school’s programs and highlight how they align with your interests and goals. For example, if you’re passionate about debate and the school has a strong debate program, mention how you can contribute to and benefit from it.

Inject Your Personality

Make your essay stand out by infusing it with your personality. Share unique insights and experiences that are specific to you. Avoid generic statements that could apply to any school or student.

Provide Context and Explanation

Ensure that every point you make is clear and supported. Don’t leave the admissions team guessing. If you have a low word count, focus on making one strong point rather than cramming in multiple ideas without proper explanation.

Be Genuine

Authenticity is key. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or pretend to have interests you don’t genuinely possess. Admissions officers can spot insincerity from a mile away.

Plan Ahead

Start working on your supplemental essays early. Plan, brainstorm, and research well in advance of application deadlines. This extra time will allow you to craft thoughtful, well-developed essays that truly reflect who you are.

Remember, the key to success with supplemental essays is to be genuine, well-researched, and thoughtful. Take the time to plan and craft your essays carefully, and you’ll stand out in the competitive world of college applications.

If you need additional help on college essays click here to learn more.