Best SAT Professional Development for Schools

Preparing students for the SAT is more important than ever, especially with the recent release of the digital SAT. As the gateway to higher education for many, a strong SAT score can open doors to scholarships, top colleges, and future success. To ensure students are equipped for this challenge, it’s recommended for schools to invest in quality SAT professional development for their educators. Here, we explore some of the best options available to schools looking to enhance their SAT preparation programs.

College Board

The College Board offers e-modules designed to help educators understand the SAT and how to prepare students effectively. These modules cover topics such as becoming familiar with the structure of the test, question types, and strategies for success. They also provide insights into how the SAT aligns with state standards and college readiness benchmarks. Digital SAT Self-Guided Courses are also available for educators to have a better understanding of the new format.

Curvebreakers Test Prep

Curvebreakers offers tailored SAT training for teachers. Their training covers a range of topics, including test format, question types, and strategies for improving student performance. Teachers are given the opportunity to practice teach-backs with the new strategies. They also provide access to practice tests and individualized feedback to help educators track student progress and target areas for improvement. Their job doesn’t stop there. Curvebreakers continues their partnership by having regular check-ins and keeping educators updated on recent changes made to exams.

SAT Professional Development

Princeton Review

The Princeton Review offers professional development training and online resources for educators looking to enhance their SAT preparation programs. Their training covers a range of topics, including test-taking strategies, content review, and scoring insights. They also provide access to practice tests and study materials for educators and students alike. Additionally, they offer additional training to address any changes being made to tests or materials.


Applerouth offers SAT preparation programs for schools, including professional development training for educators. Their in-depth 2-3 day training covers a range of topics, including test content, scoring, and best practices for SAT preparation. They also provide access to free online resources such as webinars on recent updates and changes made in standardized testing.

Investing in quality SAT professional development for educators is key to ensuring students are prepared for success on the SAT. By equipping educators with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively prepare students, schools can help ensure their students achieve their highest potential on this critical exam.