How To Get The Most Out Of An SAT Or ACT Class

Classes can be extremely beneficial to students who actively engage in the process, but what does it mean to “actively engage in the process”?

Whether it’s a class with Curvebreakers or another test preparation company, students and families can use these steps to ensure that they get the most out of their test prep class.

Advice for Students

1. Actively participate in class

  • Ask questions about material you don’t understand or problems you answered incorrectly from homework.
  • Answer questions you feel comfortable answering when prompted by the instructor.
  • For virtual classes, you may type out your response in the chat feature, but if you feel comfortable, we suggest turning on your mic and talking things out!
  • Participate in Kahoot quizzes or any other interactive class content. Not only will it give you the opportunity to test your knowledge (and get your competitive juices flowing), it will also help the instructor gauge students’ comprehension of specific topics.

2. Complete homwork assignments

  • Reinforcing new information by practicing SAT questions is a very important way to prepare for a standardized exam. The more practice you can get in before your test, the better. This is why it is crucial to complete any assigned homework.
  • Designate specific times during the week to work on class assignments.

3. Make sure you have the necessary materials before each class.

  • Course books
    • For Curvebreakers SAT classes, students must bring a copy of Decoding the Digital SAT with them to each class session.
    • For Curvebreakers ACT classes, students must bring a charged laptop, tablet, or chromebook to each class session to access our digital ACT class materials. The course book, A New Approach to Deconstruct and Destroy the ACT, is required for homework assignments, but not for class instruction and may be kept at home.
  • Scientific or graphing calculators
    • SAT classes: A Desmos (graphing) calculator is the in-app calculator on the digital SAT. If students plan on using their own calculator on the actual exam, they should bring that calculator with them to class. Desmos is a free, online graphing calculator and can be used on smart phones or other devices.
    • ACT classes: Students should bring a scientific or graphing calculator to each class session.
  • Taking notes
    • Make sure you have a way to take notes during class. Bring something to write with and your own notebook or takes notes on your device.

4. Email the instructor or the office if you have questions

5. Catch up on material/homework if you miss a class.

  • Curvebreakers emails notes from the instructor to students and parents after every class session.
  • This allows students who miss a session the opportunity to review the material and still complete the assigned homework.

6. Take practice exams

  • Curvebreakers includes at least two practice exams into class registration costs. If possible, both practice exams will be included in the class schedule. If both practice tests can’t fit into the class schedule, then students can take one of the tests during our regularly scheduled proctored practice tests on the weekend.
  • Start with a baseline score before beginning a class. This helps students identify their starting point and specific weaknesses like certain question types or certain grammar and math concepts.
  • Take another full-length, timed practice test toward the end of your class to gauge your progress. Use your diagnostic score report to see what you need to focus on with the remaining time that’s left before the official exam
  • Practicing the full exam in a timed setting helps students to learn how to maintain their focus/energy and manage their time and stress levels.

Advice for Parents / Families

1. Do your best to ensure that you student is completing homework assignments.

  • Homework is such a crucial part of the process. Check in with students to make sure they are keeping up with their work.

2. Work with your student to determine a weekly time for them to work on their test prep.

  • Students may find it difficult to manage their time effectively. Help them schedule designated time each week for them to complete assignments.
  • Try as best you can to make sure they have a quiet, distraction-free environment to work in.

3. Consult class reports for more information about what was covered that day and what was assigned for homework.

  • This is especially important if your student misses a class. The reports will let them know what they need to do to stay up to speed.

4. Make sure your student sits for the two practice exams included in your class.

  • It may be tempting to skip a class session if it’s being dedicated to taking a full-length, timed practice class. Please make every effort to attend. Curvebreakers does not view these practice test sessions as optional and a crucial part of the process.
  • If you miss a class practice test, please call the office at (516) 728-1561 to reschedule.

5. Keep an open line of communcation with your student and the office.

  • Ask how class is going.
  • Encourage your student to attend every session and participate in class.
  • If your child says that he or she is struggling or is not finding the class helpful, please contact the office. Most parents know their child and know the difference between giving something new (like an SAT class) more time or if the class is misaligned with their expectations. Please do not wait before you are halfway through the course to let us know you are unhappy. Any reputable company wants to make sure students has the tools they need in order to succeed.