Changes to the SAT Part 1

So the SAT is set to change in March of 2016. What does this mean for you? I am here to address all of the questions and concerns surrounding the changes to this mysterious and oft hated exam. As always, any further questions can be directed to – we are happy to help! This will be the first in …

Words in Context Questions

With the latest incarnation of the SAT, test-takers everywhere are hoping to score as close to a “perfect 1600” as possible. Besides the elusive 1600 point composite score, however, the new SAT also includes several additional numerical indicators, designed to help students and educators evaluate how college-ready the student is on a number of fronts. Buried in this list of …

How to Become a Better Reader for the SAT

Avid readers generally only need minor touching-up when it comes to taking the verbal portion of the SAT. You can’t really fake an interest in reading, nor should you try. But you can break down the aspects of reading comprehension and try to practice them individually. This is the one that gets just about everybody. The people with the largest …